American Heart Association Online Opioid Education Course
(100% Online course)
The American Heart Association’s Opioid Education for Healthcare Providers Course is a self taught, online course that teaches clinical healthcare providers (EMTs/paramedics, nurses, physicians, mid-level providers) how to provide immediate treatment and care to opioid overdose victims.
This AHA course covers the pathophysiology of opioid overdose; special considerations on how to care for overdose patients, including naloxone administration; recognizing the need for high-quality CPR; and use of a defibrillator as indicated*. The course offers information on the importance and types of resources available for individuals after an opioid overdose, including medication-assisted therapies.
Course modules include:
- Recognition and treatment of opioid overdose (including use of CPR and reversal agents)
- Details of the opioid epidemic and opioid use disorder.
- Pathophysiology of pain and opioids leading to addiction.
- Managing acute pain with alternative pain management options.
- Approximate completion time: 30 minutes.
- Certificate of completion available upon successful course completion.
- Course content available for 24 months (2 years) following activation
Intended Audience:
Opioid Education for Healthcare Providers is intended for anyone in the medical field or going to medical school/nursing school. This includes dentists, physical therapists, CNAs, Nurses, Physicians, Mid-level healthcare providers.
American Heart Association Skill Checks
HeartCode (BLS) Provider Skills Check Session
Heartcode Skill checks are for students who have purchased the online course through the AHA and have a printable completion certification from the AHA BLS online course along with them.
Heartsaver CPR/AED Skills Check
Our Heartsaver skills sessions are for anyone who has taken the online course through the AHA and have a printable completion certification from the AHA online course along with them.
Heartsaver CPR/AED & First Aid Course Skills Check
Our Heartsaver skills sessions are for anyone who has taken the online course through the AHA and have a printable completion certification from the AHA online course along with them.
Pediatric CPR/AED & First Aid Skills Check
Pediatric Heartsaver skills sessions are for anyone who has taken the online course through the AHA and have a printable completion certification from the AHA online course along with them.
important information
Make sure to bring your American Heart Association online course completion certificate. You can also send it to us beforehand via email at [email protected]